While the United States has so far only confirmed that unspecified air-launched “anti-radiation missiles” have been transferred to Ukraine for its war with Russia, the apparent remains of an AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile, or HARM, said to have been fired recently at a Russian po
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▶ Watch Video: Climate change elevating risk of dangerous weather
In Billings, Montana and other cities across the central and northern Plains, temperatures are forecast to soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit this week. In England, the source of the Thames River has dried up for the
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Prefabrication, modularisation, cutting-edge 3D / 4D BIM VDC design being deployed to reduce schedule and total cost of project
AdvanceTEC, the leader in cleanroom design, construction, and mission critical process integration, announces that the company has been awarded a large-scale
A cascaded room-pressure regime has been considered for decades to prevent cross-contamination of different processes. But Harald Flechl from ISPE says today's tight cleanrooms must have leaks to ensure a room-pressure regulation - so why should we build tight cleanrooms?
For preventing
Mondial Pack has chosen to work with ColPro Technical Solutions on several ground floor cleanrooms with an interlock door system
ColPro Technical Solutions has been in process of building several cleanrooms at Mondial Pack since mid-October.
Mondial produces and packages nutritiona
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BMW India had announced that it will launch 10 exclusive ‘50 Jahre M Editions’ to celebrate the M sub-brand that stands for high-performance adrenaline gushing cars.
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the iconic BMW M GmbH, BMW India has launched an exclusive ‘50 Jahre M Editio